Land and Water Group Holdings Corporation

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Global Center staff gave a presentation at a conference of Instituto de Engenharia in Brazil

On June 11th local time, Global Center staff of our company gave a presentation at a conference in Brazil hosted by Instituto de Engenharia(*) with theme “Prevenção de desastres naturais: soluções geotécnicas e hidrológicas no Japão”

A scene from the conference (from the official website)

At the conference of “Prevention of natural disasters: Solutions in Geotechnical and Hydrology in Japan”, Mr. Oji and Mr. Sekita of Global Center, Chuo Kaihatsu Corporation, gave the presentation on geological digital transformation and prevention of river disaster.

You can see the details in the website of the Instituto de Engenharia (external link)

Mr. Oji, the Director of Global Center, introduced our geological digital transformation projects, and Mr. Sekita also explained the monitoring method for river environments using the example of Shakujii River.

The entire conference video is available on the Instituto de Engenharia YouTube channel.

Prevention of natural disasters: Solutions in Geotechnical and Hydrology in Japan (Youtube: external link)

We would like to thank the Insituto de Engenharia for giving us the opportunity to give this presentation.

The photos are from the Instituto de Engenharia website.

Chuo Kaihatsu will continue to work as a construction consultant in order to “contribute to society with technology.”

(*)Instituto de Engenharia (Engineering Institute): A Brazilian non-profit organization established in 1916.

It engages in a variety of activities, including sharing knowledge among members, policy recommendations, and international cooperation.

For more information, please visit the official website. Instituto de Engenharia (external site)


The project for Nikkei Farmers of Latin America 2024-25 started

We have commissioned the cooperation project with Nikkei farmers in Latin America which is led by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), for 13 years including the predecessor projects. In this year, for the first time since the pandemic, we invite 17 Nikkei farmers to Japan, and deliver 2 training programs and 1 interchange program of the Latin American agribusiness negotiation meeting with Japanese companies. We also plan to organize a business mission program which Japanese companies visit Latin America for the further business creation between Japan and Latin American countries. In this project, Nikkei farmers from Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, and also Colombia and Mexico participate in.

These projects realized so far

– Delivered training programs in Japan for Nikkei farmers with the theme of agricultural production, processing and sales

– Held various conferences and webinars to strengthen the business cooperation between Japan and Latin America, and also among Latin American countries. 

– Organized business matching meetings (Online and Site-visit) for Japanese companies and Nikkei farmers, and launched a trading platformLatin America Trading Platform”. 

We will continue to make a strong contribution with the business cooperation between Japan and Nikkei farmers in Latin America.

Project website


The interview of President was published in TIME

TIME Magazine Asia Edition November 6, 2023 Issue

The interview of our president, Makoto Tanaka, was published in the international English news magazine TIME (Asia edition)

TIME is an American news magazine founded in 1923.

Asia edition is subscribed in 25 Asian countries, including Japan.

For more information, please refer to the chapter “Japan’s International Impact” in the feature article “Japan’s Innovation Kings” in the relevant issue.

TIME Asia | November 6, 2023 link)

A scene from the interview

* Content by Global Kigyo Co, Ltd.


President: Makoto Tanaka’s interview article was published in Newsweek magazine

Newsweek (international edition) 17th Jun, 2022 issue. Click to view article PDF

Our President Mr. Makoto Tanaka was interviewed by Newsweek magazine (international edition) and the article was published in the issue of 17th Jun, 2022. Newsweek magazine has a circulation of 4 million worldwide.

In the article, the president emphasized “As a leader of the slope disaster prevention technology, Chuo Kaihatsu would like to contribute to slope disaster prevention around the world using “Kantaro”, the early warning system (EWS).” 

The Chinese and Portuguese translations are as follows.

[Português] Líder em tecnologia de prevenção de desastres naturais nas encostas

Líder em tecnologia de prevenção de desastres naturais nas encostas

Devido à mudança climática se observa cada vez mais o aumento dos deslizamentos de terra e dos desastres nas encostas, Chuo Kaihatsu tem como objetivo trazer a tecnologia de última geração para o Sudeste Asiático, América do Sul e para o mundo.

Fundado em 1946, Chuo Kaihatsu tem realizado levantamentos geotécnicos, medições e análises de projetos estruturais como estradas, pontes, barragens, portos e edifícios em todo o Japão. Ao logo de 75 anos tem se dedicado em realizar estudos da topografia e geologia do Japão, onde tem uma grande incidência de desastres, e agora quer levar ao mundo a tecnologia de prevenção de desastres que acumulou ao longo dos anos.

“Queremos contribuir para a prevenção e mitigação de desastres nas encostas da América do Sul e na China, onde temos a nossa base instaurada, com a nossa tecnologia monitoramento das encostas reconhecida por sociedades acadêmicas internacionais”, Makoto Tanakao presidente da empresa.

Pode se dizer que o Sistema de Alerta Prévio (EWS) é a base da prevenção de desastres. Dentre as principais tecnologias EWS de Chuo Kaihatsu o Kantaro é o que tem a maior performance em se tratando em monitorar o comportamento do solo e emitir a alerta previa mente, possibilitando o espaço de tempo para tomar as decisões e ação para a evacuação antes dos desastres. “Somos a única empresa no mundo que tem o índice de controle para prever falhas nas encostas. O Kantaro, nosso EWS tem uma atuação ampla para a prevenção de desastres nas encostas e está sendo introduzidos nos países como a China, Austrália, Butão, Sri Lanka e Brasil”, acrescenta o Sr. Tanaka.

Atualmente a Chuo Kaihatsu oferece serviços de ponta em análise geotécnica e mitigação de desastres, fornecendo informações geológicas através da Internet, simulação de solo e estrutura usando Grandes Dados e IA, avaliação de risco de solo com os dados pontuais coletados pelos drones, e manutenção de solo e estrutura usando tecnologia de sensores. “Queremos instalar nossos sensores de inclinação Kantaro em diversas condições ao redor do mundo. Com isso, podemos evitar o maior número possível de desastres nas encostas”, acrescenta o Sr. Tanaka.

Devido às mudanças climáticas, os desastres naturais estão se tornando cada vez mais freqüentes. Usufruindo todo o conhecimento e as técnicas, adquiridas no Japão, a Chuo Kaihatsu tem o papel fundamental para contribuir para a prevenção dos desastres nas encostas não só no Japão, mas para o mundo.

Makoto Tanaka, Presidente da empresa Chuo Kaihatsu Corporation

Local de instalação do equipamento

Composição do equipamento

Vista interno e externo do equipamento





在灾害预防方面,早期预警系统(EWS)是一个起点。中央开发株式会社的主要EWS技术之一是“边坡滑坡监测倾斜仪(Kantaro)”,Kantaro可以监测地表的位移变动,并在有崩塌威胁前发出预警,从而为地质灾害发生前的疏散行动提供了宝贵的时间。预警值的确定是早期预警系统(EWS)的必备条件,基于公司多年的研究成果,我们提出了基于地表倾斜位移的预警阈值,这也是世界上唯一一家定义了边坡滑坡预警阈值的公司。Kantaro融合了滑坡灾害的预警技术,已经应用到了许多国家,如中国、澳大利亚、不丹、斯里兰卡和巴西。” 田中先生补充道。

中央开发株式会社同时也提供尖端的岩土分析和减灾服务,通过互联网提供地质信息服务,使用大数据和AI进行地基基础和地质结构的模拟分析,使用无人机点云数据进行地基基础的风险评估,基于传感器技术的地基基础和土工结构维护。“我们希望在世界各地的各种不同地质条件下安装Kantaro倾斜传感器。通过努力,我们也投入到全球的地质防灾减灾工程里。” 田中先生补充道。






